
3 Resolutions to Make You a Better Dog Mom in 2018

With 2018 in full swing, many of us are focusing on maintaining those resolutions we made. Maybe you’re at the gym working up a sweat or drinking more water, but if you’re like me, you’re looking for ways to be a better dog mom. Here are my three resolutions for 2018 — if any of them hit home for you, take them on yourself!

1. Step away from screens more

Like any other millennial, I’m basically glued to my phone. After a long day of work, there’s nothing I love more than plopping on the couch to watch Netflix all night and play games on my phone. It can feel comforting to tune out, right?

That’s all well and good, but when your pup walks over to you with a toy in her mouth, trying to entice you to play, press pause on that show, put your phone away and play! 

One of the best lessons dogs teach us is the importance of living in the moment — they’re basically masters of mindfulness. In that sense, playing with your dog more isn’t just great for them; it’s great for you, too.

2. Get my pup more exercise!

If there’s one thing I’m guilty of (ok, ok, ok, there’s more than one thing), it’s not getting my dog enough exercise. Like I said before, it’s so easy to come home from work and do nothing all night (that’s basically my hobby!), but dogs both love and need that time to work through their energy.

Go on a walk, go to the dog park or, if you’re in a seasonal area like me, try to craft ways to get your dog exercise indoors. Every little bit helps, because remember: a tired dog is a happy dog.

3. Brush my dog’s teeth more

Similar to humans, a dog whose oral hygiene has been neglected is prone to health issues that don’t just affect the mouth, but can extend to the whole body. (Periodontal disease, for example, can lead to kidney, liver and heart issues.)

Apologies if that sounds scary, but it serves as a helpful reminder: Brush your dog’s teeth already! Vets commonly suggest brushing every day, but doing it even a few times a week can make a big difference in your dog’s health.

So what are your resolutions for 2018? I’d love to hear them!

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