Dog Toys, Products, Reviews

The Best Toy for Dogs Who Like to Shred: GoDog Furballz

If you’re anything like me, buying a dog toy is a total gamble. My dog, Lucy, is a total destroyer — the second she gets her paws on a new toy, she’s already zeroing in on its weaknesses, tearing apart stitching and joyfully ripping out plush like it’s her job. As I think many dog… Continue reading The Best Toy for Dogs Who Like to Shred: GoDog Furballz


Switching Dog Food: The Right and Wrong Way to Do It

If you’re switching dog food brands, or even switching to a different food within the same line, it’s imperative you do it the right way. (Trust me, we learned the hard way.) The Wrong Way Lucy was on puppy food for just about a year, but after that, we wanted to follow the manufacturer recommendations… Continue reading Switching Dog Food: The Right and Wrong Way to Do It

Products, Shopping

The Puppy Shopping List: Essentials for Your Few First Days

So you’re adopting a puppy.  Congratulations! You’re about to take home a small bundle of cuteness that loves you unconditionally. (And will immediately pee on everything.) If you’re anything like me, you’re excited mixed with nervous mixed with panicked mixed with overwhelmed. So let’s focus. Here are the essentials you need to get through your… Continue reading The Puppy Shopping List: Essentials for Your Few First Days

behavior, Training

Training Your Dog? Why You Need a Marker Word

So you brought home a dog and you’re ready to train her. Where do you start? Luckily, the first step is the easiest: Pick your marker word. A marker word is the word you’ll use when your dog does something right — when she sits when you ask, when she comes when you call, you… Continue reading Training Your Dog? Why You Need a Marker Word